Chapter One
“So, you’re saying younger men are useless?”
Sifon groaned with a smile, rolling her eyes at her best friend. “That isn’t what I meant. Older men are referred to as fine wine for a reason. I equate age with sensibility and a certain level of panache when wooing a woman, but it all depends on taste and what a person wants at the end of the day.”
“In other words, younger men are useless to you,” Dora concluded, chuckling when Sifon sighed in exasperation.
“Whatever, you’ll never get it,” she muttered, looking at the finely dressed people at the pool party she’d have wanted to avoid except Joshua; her business partner, and Dora’s boyfriend, had booked rooms at the exquisite Manny Resort.
“I’m just teasing, Sifon, I get it. I might have been shocked three years ago when you first confessed your preference, but I’ve gotten used to it. I still believe you prefer them oldies because you’ve only been exposed to stupid younger guys. Besides, since you came out as a silver fox lover, I’ve never seen you with one. Sometimes, I’m tempted to assume you said that so that I would stop hooking you up on blind dates with gorgeous young men. You need to find one oldie soon, or we’ll be back to hooking you up. I have a whole line-up of gorgeous, eager, young guys, even you won’t be able to resist.”
Sifon was left staring at her friend with open-mouthed amazement. She knew Dora could carry on a conversation with herself for hours but each time she experienced it, amazement was still part of her reaction.
“You done?”
Dora giggled into her wine glass. “I’m sorry for going on and on. I’m just really eager for you to date. I don’t understand how you exist without the kind of happiness Joshua gives me as a boyfriend.”
“Okay, no more drinks for you,” Sifon said in exasperation, pulling the almost empty bottle of white wine to herself. Dora was a lightweight, and she had the propensity to talk more than usual when she was tipsy.
“Good idea,” she burped, giggling while flailing her hands in front of her face, as though waving off an offensive smell.
Sifon shook her head with a smile and caught the eye of a waiter, waving him over to order a cold bottle of water for her friend. It wouldn’t do for Dora to be sloshed by the time Joshua was ready to get down on one knee.
“It’s a good thing Joshua got us a table. I don’t envy these girls standing in high heels,” Dora grimaced, looking at the crowd around the pool.
At least, she wasn’t slurring. “Speaking of Joshua, where is he? He asked me not to leave early tomorrow as he wanted me to meet some sort of investor for breakfast.”
Dora frowned at her. “Why would you want to leave early tomorrow? It’s Sunday. Or, are you going to church?”
“That’s all you got from that question, eh, Dora? Even though I’m not going to church, I need to prepare for Monday. Besides, I would’ve gone to church if your boyfriend hadn’t booked rooms at this awesome resort just to celebrate his birthday.”
Dora grinned, “He’s a giver.”
Sifon chuckled despite rolling her eyes at how happy her friend was with her man. “I agree.”
“Even more so in bed. He...”
“TMI, Dora,” Sifon interrupted without even looking at her friend. Her peripheral vision caught her pushing out her tongue. “I can still see you.”
“Jeez, Sifon. I know you’re older by just two years, but sometimes, you’re as cool and collected as my mother, like you seem to know everything,” she grumbled in the adorable manner that usually got Sifon smiling.
“And this is good, yes?”
Dora sniffed with her nose in the air. “Sometimes.”
“I’ll take that,” she said, smiling when Dora scoffed.
The waiter arrived with the bottle of water and Sifon didn’t have to prod Dora to drink; her eyes looked sharper after she returned from the bathroom a few minutes later.
“Thanks for the water.”
“Thank your boyfriend, he’s paying for it.”
“But seriously though, Sifon, promise you will keep the questions to a minimum when I arrange another date for you. Utitofon complained that the date felt like he was sitting before his aunt. You even asked why he thought keeping that much beard was a good idea.”
Sifon looked away from Dora’s accusing gaze and shrugged. “Not everybody should keep a beard.”
“That’s all you have to say? Was it really necessary to school him on his choice of clothing?”
“The colour and style didn’t fit his skin tone and persona.”
Dora flung her hands in the air. “You have answers for everything.”
Sifon grinned but then she felt it slip, her mouth going slack as her eyes came in contact with the most viscerally handsome man she’d ever seen. Of course, she’d seen handsome men before, but none had made her want to give up her innate maturity, a quality her mother had confessed had been a bit scary in a three-year-old.
She wanted to behave like girls less her age at the sight of a celebrity, and doing that would entail giggling like the girls who currently surrounded the stately man, who managed to exude class dressed in ragged blue jeans and a soft, white T-shirt which draped alluringly over his wide chest. His hat was cocked on his head at a jaunty angle, and his beard was neatly trimmed and dotted with white.
She sat up, her mouth still open in awe.
“No, I don’t know everything,” she said, thinking in her mind that she’d have known who the breathtaking, chocolate-complexioned man was if she knew everything. Her breathy response must have caught Dora’s attention because her head swivelled to her, and she leaned close.
“Are you okay, Sifon?”
“Never been better. Who is that, though?” She was glad she’d decided to wear her contacts at the last minute. She might have missed this fantastic sight if she hadn’t.
Dora followed her gaze. “You mean the man covered in girls?”
“They don’t deserve him,” she blurted out, shocking herself at how fierce she sounded.
Dora sat straighter. “Err...who are you, and what have you done with my ‘cool, collected, and classy, no matter what’ friend?”
She ignored Dora; her eyes fixed on the man, his poise, his height. He had on sneakers. He was dressed in a manner that Sifon would’ve abhorred if it was on a man her age. She couldn’t explain why she was salivating at the sight of this man who shouldn’t look so good in street clothes but did.
Despite seeming nice to the girls clinging to him, he looked aloof, while his arm rounded the waist of one of the scantily dressed girls angling for a selfie with him. Sifon gasped when she saw it.
“Well, if you must know. That’s Joshua’s mentor slash uncle, maybe even a pseudo father with how close they are. He owns this hotel and several others I’ve refused to be aware of. The man is wealthy as sin and...”
“...married.” Sifon sounded so distraught that Dora’s concerned mien didn’t shock her.

Author: Emem Bassey
Series: Age Is No Bother #1
Genre: Steamy Contemporary Romance
Trope: May to December, Age Gap
Publisher: Love Africa Press
Release Date: March 9, 2020
Sifon is a confident woman who knows exactly what she wants, especially, in a man. In her thirties, she co-owns a haulage company and is in the process of expansion when Manny, the 51 year old, sexy hotelier and pseudo parent to her business partner, literally, walks into her life. It's love at first sight for her although it might take some work to convince the abrasive Manny that he's the man of her dreams.
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